Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Odd Library Behavior.

Last week I was working at a computer terminal in the main library on campus, and there was this short (Chinese) girl in her late teens at a terminal next to me, playing some sort of online game (like Farmland?).

After a while, she turned and spit on the floor, and did that several times.

She also laughed to herself quietly, when she didn't seem to be doing much of anything.

I went to the circ desk and notified the workers, and asked them if it was possible to get her name and try to plug her into some systems for mental health, and the (black) (female) circ desk manager I know went and got a (white) (male) circ desk manager who came up to the floor I was on after me, but the girl was gone from the terminal by that point, though she had left her online game up.

One other (younger) (black) (male) circ desk manger, though, came, and read a book at a table near the terminal for a while.

After like fifteen minutes, the girl spit on the floor again, and rubbed the spit into the carpet with her foot, and at that the (younger) (black) (male) circ desk manager got this "what the heck is that?" look on his face and came to talk to her.

"Excuse me," he was like, and he identified himself as a staff member at the library.

"You're excused, you're excused," she said, and just kept looking at the screen as she held her hand up to his face.

He couldn't get her name, and later I saw the first (white) (male) circ desk manager back on the floor looking around for her (she also had a laptop at a nearby table, and would get up and walk away from it and leave it sitting there unattended a lot).

I went to this one study area and found a colleague who's an RA, and he told me that I should remind the circ desk managers that they could contact this one supervisory dean who would be able to look into the student's wellbeing.

The poor thing, I really do think she's mentally ill.  I hope nothing bad happens to her.

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