Thursday, January 24, 2013

A Recent Dream: My Coptic Article.

Recently, I dreamed I was at a conference where my recent Coptic article would be debuted...

As I sat there, Betty White was at the head table, as a celebrity guest who would be reading the papers.

After a bit of the first sentence, it was very clear that my clauses were too long and complicated, and that anyone not in the field couldn't understand it, and so she broke things up into short, stilted phrases where nothing made sense, and a part of me was beginning to wonder if she wasn't just a bit senile too, which was why her reading was so bad...

"I think you just have to read this one!", she said all of a sudden, putting the paper down halfway through the first sentence, and she let out a laugh that got laughter in return from the audience.

That made me relieved, and I admired her, since she gave both me and her a gracious out from an awkward situation.

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