Sunday, December 2, 2012

3 Texts.

I love to text!  One night when I was out barhopping, I got 3 great texts from friends:

1) From my one (white) colleague from Mississippi:

'did i just walk into a garden because all i see is hoes' =[krunk karaoke hostess]'s facebook status

2) From my one friend with the cat, who's an extra in an opera and had been talking with people backstage:

So the 15 year olds just had a story about a guy buying tampons for his mom and being worried people would think he's gay.  I just had to explain what a butt plug is and how it differs from a tampon.

3) From my one Czech literature professor friend, who I had texted when I was looking at a moose head and said I wondered if the moose ever thought it would end up on a wall in the bar I was at:

No.  He thought about eating and having his sperm spread.

. . .

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