Sunday, July 29, 2012

A local Italian-American restaurant bar.

Earlier that same week, I had hit up an Italian-American restaurant bar in this neighborhood just immediately northwest of downtown, in a gentrified boutique-y neighborhood in which nonethless some lower middle-class (white) people have hung on to some homes and a few businesses.

This mid-50s (white) couple was at the bar finishing a meal, and the one kept saying how scared she was for the upcoming election, and then the guy was talking about some (white) woman he knew who lived in this townhouse right off the most expensive part of town and sent her kids to this expensive private schook, and how she was going off on social issues and Republicans, and all could he think was, "Yeah, you can afford to be a Democrat," and he commented to the woman, "She was a limousine liberal, you know."

FoxNews was on in the background, and the news story on was about how the Democrats wanted to raise taxes on job creators.

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