Thursday, June 14, 2012

Election Day in Wisconsin (8 of ?): End of the day.

My canvas partner was a field worker and had to go off to some place where there were long lines to keep people in line with bottles of water, candy, etc., so I worked until poll close myself.

I called him, then, and he was busy, but he said he'd get me a ride, and I told him the intersection I'd be at, since I went to a convenience store to go get something to eat.

When I went in, there was no-one outside, but there were two (young) (discombobulated by the antics) (Indian-ish-looking) guys running the store, and a drunk (black) guy walking around, and this (young) (black) guy walking around like he's on something, putting his arm in and out of his shirt and lifting his shirt from underneath with his arms, and then walking up to me and shaking the newspaper that I'm reading, before going up the register.

They went outside, so I decided to wait inside more, and the (young) (black) guy comes back inside and says something incoherent to the befuddled but otherwise stonefaced (Indian?) guys, puts a honeybun up his shirt, and tries to walk out with it, before one of them calls "hey!" to him, and he turns around immediately and throws it back on the rack, and pretends like he's joking.

I text my former canvassing partner at that point to tell him to get me out of there, and he says he's working on it, and his boss might come pick me up...

Which he did.  The dude is the Democratic challenger to Paul Ryan, and his wife was in the car too.

She's a German clinical psychologist who raced motorcycles in college.

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