Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Conversation with a (gay) (Polish) grad student.

So there's this one (gay) (Polish) grad student I met who's in the sciences who I met through people at school.

I was asking him about being gay in Poland, and he says it's kind of fun; women rely on him to watch movies and they hang out a lot and eat ice cream and do that and have like slumber parties (he's in his mid-20s!), and also every once in a while he and another (gay) friend have a nude jacuzzi party with a couple of their (straight) (female) friends, as a kind of liberated thing.

He also said that once in Wrocław he was drinking with a (straight) (male) (Polish) friend and a friend of that friend who was a (young) (straight) (Polish) skinhead, and somehow during that night of heavy drinking the skinhead said it was fairly common for the skinheads to give each other blowjobs, "as a thank you" and "among brothers".

The grad student asked about percentages, and the skinhead said that about 10-20% of skinheads he knew probably swapped head.

I said it seemed like mostly a female scarcity thing, like at fraternities and in the army; the (gay) (Polish) grad student agreed.  He said he was very certain that the skinhead was straight.

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