Monday, February 6, 2012 night of #500...

After Chinese, I stopped through with friends to a basement karaoke club with a white doorman but Asian staff, where a a huge group of (Asian and Asian-American) tweens were drinking and singing some song with characters, and a background video about a(n Asian) piano-player and his terminally-ill (Asian) girlfriend.

Three of the four people couldn't stand it and left immediately to go wait outside, so me and my one (light-skinned black) friend from Arkansas chugged and left, and since the group wanted to head downtown to an area I'd already hit up, I split off on my own, since my one Czech literature professor friend was thinking of meeting up with me.

So, I headed south through Chinatown, and ended up at a nameless bar with lots of white people, including some in motorcycle gear, and a raised tier area with a table and a fax machine and a snow shovel leaning against it. I ordered "your cheapest beer" from the (blonde) (white) woman at the counter, and she was like, "How are you?", and when I was like, "Good," she was like, "WOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!!!!" and high-fived me. Some drunk (older) (white) woman was also staggering around to random people and shouting out, "SHOTS!" every once in a while.

My professor friend joined me there and brought along a (Mexican-American) friend of hers, and after they finished there drinks, we went to the next place, a sports-bar on the 3rd floor of an Italian restaurant located underneath a huge highway overpass. The bar is only accessed by elevator, and so we stood in line with these chunky (white) girls in tight spangled dresses that were too short for them.

After, we walked down to bar #500, which is a brunch place that turns into a bar at night, and draws regulars from the (white) (Italian-American) neighborhood and some students from a nearby university. The bartender was this (white) (Italian-American) guy in his late 30s with a ponytail and chest hair under an open shirt, and down at the end of the bar was a(n Italian-American) guy in a light blue sweater, with a gold necklace and a glass of wine. For a while we talked to a late 30s (Italian-American) woman next to us, who had a kind of black-and-white animal print shirt that was hung off one shoulder to expose her bra strap, and who was very kind.

My professor friend then called it a night, and me and her (Mexican-American) friend decided to do a nightcap and walked down to this other bar people had told us about, which was not that crowded and overlooked a park where a young (black) kid had been beaten to death within the last decade for bicycling into the wrong neighborhood. I'm not sure if anyone else in the bar kept thinking about that.


Anonymous said...

wow 500 in 11 months. that 1.5 bars per day.

el blogador said...

You know, it sounds like more than it is.

If you talk to a lot of people my age, they have 10 drinks a week, but just usually at the same bar, or they have a glass of wine at home after work every day, and then have 2-3 drinks one night at a bar.

I just make sure all my drinks happen at different bars.