Thursday, January 19, 2012

Memory forom an underground bar.

I forgot -

Like a month ago during a night of barhopping - one bar was this aging frat bar, where there were beer pong tables and a mini-basketball court and a stripper-pole cage for the girls - I joined by my one Czech lit professor friend and a friend of hers, after they had just seen that sex addiction movie "Shame"...

Anyhow, like 3 bars in, we were in this one downstairs bar at like midnight on a Wednesday, and it was a big oval bar, and over on the other side and a little down from us there was this girl and a guy who looked like her fiance, and this older woman who kind of looked like her, and had big hair and a vacant expression like in "Twin Peaks", and there was this very young hot guy in a business suit leaning in toward her and talking to her for what seemed like ever, and making jokes and smiling at her (every once in while she would burst out in a smile and look up demurely at him).... He could have been a friend of the daughter's, but he was way too interested in the mom, which made us think he was either some random gerontophile, or an escort.

My one Czech lit professor friend kept buying us drinks to make us stay and see what would happen, and every once in a while we would turn to each other and start humming that slow building-up theme from "Twin Peaks" to each other.

Eventually, the group went to leave, and my friend had me go outside like I was going to smoke to see what went down.

All four of them got in a cab, and left.

That's the thing about bars, sometimes there is no resolution to the stories that begin there - if they were even stories to begin with.

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