Sunday, January 1, 2012

Bar #s are slipping away from me.

The impossibility of perfect knowledge continually amazes me.

For example, how many bars have I been to for my project? I have a number in my book, but it doesn't necessarily match to how many bars are continually open - and my ultimate goal is to at one time have been to every bar open in the city.

Right now, I know that I've been to at least 3 bars that have closed down:

- the pizza place with the Moldovan waitress (though it's re-opened under a different name, and looks to be largely the same bar; I'll have to re-visit it).

- this non-descript cavernous Irish place next to a movie theater I go to (walked by it the other day; it's closed down).

- this shitty gay place with an older crowd and go-go boys (walked by it the other day; it's closed down; I had read that there was some legal dispute over it and it was still open, but I guess it's not).

So, I might go to 500 bars within a year of starting my project, but I won't be certain how many bars I've chipped off of my goal, since some of those bars have closed down or been re-named and are thus deserving of another visit!

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