Friday, December 30, 2011

Xmas swap!

So, at this party I went to with the sister of my one (half British) (half Sudanese) friend, she and a law school classmate of hers had brought a big sack of presents from regifting and the dollar store for a party game...

I ended up with this handy soup container with a screw-on lid and a portable spoon that you can tuck inside the lid, which was pretty amazing, since just earlier that week I was packing up a lunch for school and had thought that I wish I had something like that, so I could take some of my potato-leek soup to school for lunch.

Her one (black) law school classmate who also got the presents said they each spent less than $10 to put the presents together, and that she got the idea from her family; her grandma shops clearance all year round, and then Christmas she brings this sack of kick-ass presents that everyone fights over, and only cost her like $20 for the whole sack.

"I don't plan that far ahead, though", she laughed.

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