Saturday, June 4, 2011

I got someone hooked on "Heaven's Harlots".

Over a year ago I ordered my one friend from high school who now studies gender issues in psychology a copy of Miriam Williams's "Heaven's Harlots". She finally got around to reading it on vacation this past year, and when I just saw her the other week for the 1st time since then, she immediately told me how much she loves it, and how she's going to read it carefully a 2nd time so she can teach it, too.

She says the author is like a hero to her, both for being so courageous but also for doing so much with her life after leaving the cult; she said her online CV would be impressive for any scholar, especially one with a late start who put herself through school while raising 5 children.

I had mentioned that I wanted to bring the author in to my campus for a lecture in the future, and my friend was like, "Tell me and I'll come, I'm there."

"To meet her?", I was like.

"That would be great, but even just to hear her speak," she said.

She also said that she might call up HarperCollins to try to get a free teaching copy of Miriam Williams's new book when it comes out, and she might try to write a paper so she can present at a conference she'd be attending and they could meet for coffee to talk about their work.

And she might try to friend her on Facebook!!!

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