Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Thoughts when shopping.

Because I would like small more portable laptop (I would *like* one, I really don't *need* one) I went to a Target and then a Best Buy this past Sunday.

The entire time I was in Target, I kept thinking about how I really don't shop that much for consumer goods, and as I went through the store aisle by aisle, I kept thinking, "Who buys all this stuff?".

At Best Buy, the portable laptops were very pricy ($750+), and the Apple super-thin ones over a thousand. I became very angry that people can afford stuff like this, and so many people are out of work and suffering. At every shopper I saw who was looking at high-priced electronics, I kept looking at them and being angry and wondering if they ever thought about that...

I was thinking, too, how so many people are looking for work, and there's not even a program around like the Civilian Conservation Corps where you can go and do honest work to get money, but these people don't realize that.

The rest of the day, whenever I saw ads for iPhones and iPads and whatnot, I'd get very angry and think about wealth inequality in our country.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't make the mistake of romanticizing the poor, like they are a bunch of noble non-consuming recyclers. Often the only difference between a nonconsumer and a consumer is a pay check or a credit card. I agree that there is a huge wealth inequality in this country. I don't believe that people with money are all thoughtless let them eat cake types who don't care about anyone else. Nor do I believe that all poor people are inherently good just because they don't have money. Scratch the surface of a poor person and you will find a rich person just waiting to come out. Please don't hate me just because I own a Lexus.