Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Kuwaiti acquaintance reacts to Osama bin Laden's death.

My one Kuwaiti friend was saying that she hates how everyone always calls Osama bin Laden "bin Laden".

"That's a huge family and really well-known from air-conditioning all of Saudi Arabia," she was like, "And he's just some nutjob from it. Just think of what it does to all the other people with the same last name!"

She also added that the Qaddafi family had air-conditioned all of Kuwait (or maybe Jordan; I forget which).

A friend who was with us said that that happens with all famous people (e.g. Obama), so it's not particular to bin Laden.

I added that Lionel Dahmer (Jeffrey's father) changed his last name, since he couldn't take the shame and jokes, even from people who didn't think he was related.

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