Monday, January 24, 2011

Another weird injury.

Last Thursday I went to the gym and was on the elliptical machine for a half hour, and when I hit the locker room and went to go take a shower, I discovered that my boxers had chafed the top overside of my dick, which stung like a son-of-a-bitch in the hot water.

I put some neosporin on it that night when I got home, but it got rubbed again when I was campus all day Friday and was rubbed and red and a bit scabby, so on Saturday I put more neosporin on it and took a bandaid like for a knee and wrapped it around my cock.

By Sunday it was better when I took off the bandaid to look (the adhesive was very light and so it thankfully didn't hurt at all to peel off the bandaid), and I rubbed the dried-off scabs off with my finger.

Only, now I don't have a scabby cock, but that area looks kind of more glossy and pinkish than the rest of the surrounding skin - just like the healed part when you take a bandaid off your knee!


Anonymous said...

omg WTF! TMI.

Anonymous said...

What is an "elliptical machine"?

Anonymous said...

wow -- someone doesn't workout.

el blogador said...

Some of us don't need to!

...but not me. I do weightlifting or indoor biking or the elliptical machine (it's like you run, but the machine makes your feet go in an elliptical, and reduces impact on your knees while focusing the workout on various leg muscles).