Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Forgot... - Brazilian story.

I forgot -

A while ago, I met the ex-boyfriend of my one lawyer friend from Missouri's Brazilian acquiantance at a brunch where everyone was out, and since he was visiting (they're still friends), she brought him.

Somehow we started talking about waterballoon slingshots, and then me and some people started talking about potato guns, and then he started saying that in Brazil, a lot of people have these little home-made plastic pipe slingshot things that they can fire dried beans and rice at people, and his parents actually got him one that was set up like a crossbow.

He also said that like a month ago, he was clubbing with a friend from Rio till 5am, and then they were both full of energy and kind of drunk, so they went back to his friend's apartment, got bathing suits, and then went to the beach and laid out under umbrellas and drank more and napped all day. Only, he in his drunkenness forgot to put sunscreen on his legs and they were sticking out in the sun though the rest of him was under the umbrella, so he woke up to find 2nd-degree burns on his legs. That night, he said, he kept waking up to wet sheets from his rolling over and his blisters popping.


Anonymous said...

My brother has a pvc pipe potato gun. He uses hairspray as the fuel.

el blogador said...

that is awesome. and it makes me hum the theme to the original "Hairspray" movie, which is also awesome!

JUSIPER said...

"Hey girl, what you doin' over there/Can't you see?/I'm spraying my hair." That song is a classic.

el blogador said...

I still think the rhythm of those particular spoken lyrics could be a lot better (i.e. less clunky).

JUSIPER said...

Really? I love them.

Also, that's one of the few retro songs that could actually pass for something from the era it's imitating.

el blogador said...

I think it could pass for something from that era in everything but the spoken word part, that's why the spoken word part pisses me off so much.