Monday, October 11, 2010

The Gyro Lounge: Very sad news.

Very sad news about the gyro lounge downtown...

The other night after a play my one friend from Buffalo and I walked over, and it was closed and the lights were off, and a sign on the doors said that they had lost their lease and their last day was August 21st.

I felt sad, and then I felt sad that karaoke had started sucking there back in the spring, so me and my one (white) friend from Mississippi hadn't gone there after we both came to that conclusion.

You don't realize what you'll miss until it's gone. I'll probably never see the waitresses again, or the cool fat Greek owner who used to send around hors d'oeuvres, or the bad-ass tall lanky Mexican linecook with this long long stoner goatee...

I've already started missing all the odd clown paintings they had on the walls, and their chili mac.

Hopefully I'll run into some of their regulars on the street and will be able to ask them to find out what exactly happened.

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