Saturday, July 24, 2010

The priest on the pope's picture.

So, the priest was saying the other day that the #3 guy in the vatican (Cardinal Rei [sp.?]), came into his office, and was asking why he didn't have any pictures of the pope up.

"The world is burning," the priest said, "and you're wondering why I don't have pictures of the pope up?".

Then, the next day, the cardinal came in and asked the same thing, and when the priest didn't say shit, later that day an Italian workman came down with some pictures and some nails, and asked where he'd like the pictures.

So, he had the picture of JP2 put up behind his desk, "Because I can't stand the sight of him," and a a picture of Jesus of Nazareth over the door, "So he can watch me coming and going."

The next day (the 3rd day), the cardinal came by and asked him about the picture of the pope, and the priest told him not to worry about it.

Then, there was a truce for like 2 months which included a period when the priest was on vacation.

As soon as he got back, he hid the pics of the pope and jesus behind a desk, and when the cardinal was in the office the next time, he asked him about it, and the priest was like, "I don't know, when i was on vacation, someone stole them," and added something about how everyone wanted them and they were in high demand.

And, that was that.


Anonymous said...

Did he tell this story during class or during one of the breaks?

el blogador said...

During class!

Anonymous said...

Very gutsy! L.