Thursday, July 1, 2010

...from the priest, starting with LeFebvrites...

I asked the priest who runs my Latin class about the LeFebvrites (sp.?), and immediately, he was like, "I don't know what they want to preserve, but I guess there are people in South Carolina who want to bring back slavery."

Then, he started saying that he doesn't even talk to those type of people, and if there was an open debate tomorrow, he wouldn't take part, but there's no use talking to them, there's no changing their minds.

He then said that the church is in bad shape, and the only way to get people back was for them to "get with it"... He said that things were so bad, that people don't even protest or are against the church, but that they just don't care, and they drift away.

As proof, he said that everyone in the assisted living home he talks with is Catholic, but they haven't been to church in years, and their kids don't go, and their grandkids aren't even being baptized.

He also said that he hates how Latin is always identified with the most conservative element in the church. "That has nothing to do with anything!", he was like.

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