Sunday, May 9, 2010

Stories of my new neighborhood (4 of 4): New neighbor.

Like a week or more ago I was heading downstairs and I headed into another tenant going out, this mid-40s (black) lady with big sunglasses and a White Sox windbreaker on, who smelled a bit like liquor. We chit-chatted, and she had just moved in to, and we introduced ourselves (her name is "Pat").

Like a few days ago, I was coming in the building, and she was coming out of the building with two teenage (black) girls, one of whom was holding this fuzzy chihuahua-looking dog in her hands, and so we said hi, and she introduced me to her daughters.

"And this is Beyonce," the one daughter said, holding out the dog.

"That's odd," I was like, "It doesn't seem like she has a big ass to me!"

"Noooooooo!", the one daughter was like, laughing, "It's because she's a diva."

As they started walking away, Pat asked me if I drank, and when I said I do enjoy a drink on occasion, and why, she was like, "No reason, just wondering," and then we all parted our ways.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pat could be your next drinking buddy.