Friday, April 23, 2010

3 more things about my new neighborhood...

1) At the one convenience/grocery store I shop at, though they stock like Ethiopian flatbreads and a lot of Africans and Caribbeans seem to shop there, the people who run it seem to be Mexican (to tell the truth, they stock a ton of Mexican products, like Mexican crumbly cheese, and tomatillas).

And, the one (woman) cashier has this tall hair that comes down the sides of her face in big curls, and she has a ton of makeup on, and she almost looks like an over-the-top drag queen from an Almodovar movie, but she's really a woman.

The other day, she was snapping her gum and repeating the price in Spanish to herself as she rang up stuff on the register.

2) The other day when I was walking home, there was this group of white, black, and Mexican kids playing with a soccer ball on the sidewalk in front of the pizza place, and, for whatever reason, though some adults were looking on, this really fat Mexican kid who was about 10 years old stood in front of the wall while everyone kicked the ball at him (though, to be fair, they didn't kick it all that hard).

3) The other night like 9pm when I was coming home and walking up the street, on the 3rd floor on the other wing of the building, you could see the silhouette of someone's cat, and the silhouette of someone standing there looking out and watching everyone on the street (the room they where in was backlit). So, for a few seconds I looked at them to see what was happening, and they reached out and turned the Venetian blinds down so I couldn't see them, so as I kept walking along and looking up (they only turned the Venetian blinds down in front of one window), they step out to the side of where they closed the blinds, and flash a red laser-pointer light in my eye (I'm assuming they had one to play with the cat). As I went up the walk, the person stepped away from the window...

When I got upstairs, I realize that the way the building is set up, that their door is right opposite mine, but I have no idea who lives there, I've never seen anyone walk in there.

"Good job, [my name]," I thought to myself, "It's always a good idea to piss off the cat person who lives in your building."

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