Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Have been stressed.

At the end of last week I was feeling stressed, and I couldn't figure out why.

Then, I totalled up all the shit I have going on, and I figured out why - I have so much on my plate right now! - including -

- arranging shit for moving.
- getting boxes for moving (I have to start packing next week!).
- changing over my cell phone to a new number.
- finishing up TAing.
- finalizing a syllabus and readings for a class I'm going to be teaching at a friend's church (we got a grant).
- gathering my dissertation committee.
- revising my dissertation proposal.
- getting shit together for another paper I'm presenting on at the end of May.
- applying to teach a course for next year (the app requires a lot of thought, since I'd have a lot of input into the syllabus).

In reaction to all this stuff, like it usually happens, I end up going out too much to compensate for having long, intense days, and that starts a vicious circle of tiredness where the next day I work even harder and even longer and then meet friends to go out for even longer the next night, and so on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

plus the time change causes stress. do you body and mind a favor and get a good nights rest.