Saturday, February 13, 2010

More books.

My next batch of books going to the library:

My copy of Eileen Barker's "The Making of a Moonie: Choice or Brainwashing?" next to the library's copy (I figure someone going to check it out just might take it), and then somewhere in some English lit section I left a book on book terminology and collecting.

I think part of pruning my collection is to get rid of what's easily replaceable, or check out-able from a library. I could use the Moonie book at some point in teaching if I ever teach about cults - it's a classic on recruitment, and exploded a lot of myths about cults - but hey, that won't be anytime soon, and you can always get another copy somewhere, and I can do that then, and it will save me from lugging it around in all my moves before I finally teach that class (if ever).


JUSIPER said...

What myths did it explode?

el blogador said...

That once you got into a cult, you never left. She actually found out that a huge number of people came into contact with them and attended intro meetings, retreats, etc., and most of them fell away soon (and of those who lasted longer, most fell away in like a year or two).

She has the stats in her book... I also heard her speak at a conference once. She was really sharp, and also seemed really approachable (what a combo!).

JUSIPER said...

I wonder what the numbers are like for Hare Krishnas.

el blogador said...

If I knew the literature better, I'd be able to tell you. I'll ask someone next time I'm at a conference...

Do you think the numbers would be lower or higher?