Saturday, November 21, 2009

Was at the BNB this weekend.past

So this past weekend I was at the BNB ("black neighborhood bar"). I stopped through after the student bar to get a beer and see if anyone I knew was around, and I ended up talking with this younger (black) girl two seats over, after she struck up a conversation when the "New Moon" trailer came on.

"I so want to see that," she was like.

As it turns out, she's the Sunday day bartender, and was addicted to the first Twilight movie. As she was telling me this, the Saturday night bartender, this big, thick-set, intimidating (black) man with a goatee and dreads was like, "I've only seen that nine times."

"What?", I was like.

"My daughters," he was like. "They kept dragging me to it, I couldn't say no."

After he left, I started asking her about how much of the first book made it into the movie, like the scene where the vampire protagonist confesses to the human female protagonist that when he was stand-offish the first time he met her, it wasn't because he didn't like her, but rather because her smell was driving him insane, and he could barely restrain herself from devouring her.

She said that that was definitely in there, nodding brightly.

"I don't get what's going on inside that head of hers", she was like, "But I love it!"

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