Monday, March 16, 2009

Glasses / Earrings.

At a department dinner the other night I saw the one Mormon guy from my program and his wife, and they brought their new baby along, and since his wife who's very laid-back and blonde and beautiful and hip had these rectangular thick black-framed glasses on, I was like, "Hey [her name], nice job with the sexy mom glasses," and without missing a beat, she was like, "Hey, what can I say, once you have a child you have to try to kick it up a notch."

When I saw them and their kid a couple weeks ago, too, their kid was cranky, and he was relatively skinny compared to these other grad students' baby who everyone was also playing with, so the one Mormon guy was like, "Look at him, pale scrawny and bitter, a perfect grad student baby."

Also, this past Saturdy when I was at the grocery store this one older (black) lady had her cart in front of the beets, and I was waiting for her to be done so I could go get a beet for myself, but she moved her cart and was like, "Scoot in there if you need to," and we ended up talking a bit, and I was saying I was going to the one more neighborhood-y St. Patrick's Day parade in the city on Sunday, not the big one downtown, and she said her coworkers go every year and love it, and she went once, and wore her big long green earrings.


JUSIPER said...

The Irish in Chicago must be the nicer than the ones back East.

el blogador said...

How true - zing.