Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Cuts / Conversations.

Last night when I was chopping up a carrot the knife slipped and I cut across two of my fingertips, so for like forty minutes I was leaving bloody fingerprints on my cutting board, on my cabinets, on my vegetables, everything, even though the cuts were small and not that deep and I thought they'd scab up fast.

Yesterday at the grocery store, I was talking with the (black) check-out girl, and when I asked her how her Christmas was, she said that she had gotten messed up on Christmas Eve and then again on Christmas Day, so it was a good time, I was like, "And did you have a chance to spend any time with family?", she was like, "I don't have family like that," and I felt really embarrassed.

Today at the coffee shop, I was talking with the (black) counter guy, and when I asked him how his Christmas was, he said it was good, only there were a lot of kids running around and it drove him crazy, and his girlfriend had skipped out from his family function since she was raised Jehovah's Witness and she still has a hard time dealing with stuff like that. After talking a while about how that's crap, he was like, "Next year, I'm gonna break her down and make her go," and I congratulated him on his Christmas spirit, which he found hilarious.

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