Thursday, November 13, 2008

2 more election night memories.

1) My neighbor who I'd been volunteering with in Indiana - at home eating dinner after a long day of volunteering in Indiana, and all of a sudden there's all these cars honking on the street outside her window. Pennsylvania had been called for Obama, so she gulps down her meal and rushes to the bar to watch the rest of the results since she didn't want to miss anything else.

2) Joan Baez - hanging out with her band in a jungle-themed hotel room in Alexandria, Virginia, and they're all in bathrobes with zebra prints leopard skin etc. The elction is called and they go down to the street and are like "yea!", but no one's there, the street is empty, they just hear a "yea!" from like a mile down the road somewhere, so they catch a cab to the White House and there ends up being like 4000 people there, happily.

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