Thursday, October 9, 2008


That wall-eyed stoner girl who lives diagonally above me struck again last night, and started playing foosball at like 10pm, just when I was going to go to bed (it's been a long week, I was trying to go to bed early so I'd be up fresh tomorrow). I went up to knock on the door, and she shouted bitchily from inside, "Come in, the door's open," so I kind of opened the door and just stood against the frame while her and her chunky white friend and this one scrawny bearded undergrad who's her neighbord kind of filed out, so I was like, "Hi," then they were like, "Hi," and I just stood there looking, but because what can you say after you've talked with them like ten times over the course of last year and they still don't give a fuck? After like ten seconds of that, the wall-eyed stoner girl, just cocked her head and stared back, to mock me.

(Last week when I had like four heavy bags of grocery and had to set them all down to open the front door, she was standing by the front door and wouldn't open it for me, and just ignored my presence. That's the difference between her and me, I would have opened the door for her, despite my vendetta, since I'm not an asshole, or at least I'm selective about when I'm an asshole.)

Anyhow, when I started off and was like, "It's late and I want to go to bed, so can you stop playing foosball?" the one girl was like, "We had agreed that we could play until 10pm, let us finish our game," and when I asked what agreement, the scrawny kid was like, "What do you mean what agreement, you're an asshole," since they had told the landlord that we had resolved the problem among ourselves and that they could play all they wanted till 10pm every night.

(One night when I came up there and it was the girl and her boyfriend, her boyfriend, this scrawny guy with a scraggly beard and a ponytail and a leather jacket and piercings, tried to be big man and negotiate for the 10pm thing and was like, "Hey man, we all got to compromise," but I went off, the only time I've ever done that with them, and was like, "My position is that foosball tables don't belong in apartment buildings, so find a compromise with that," and then told them that if they want to be undergrads and stay up till all hours and play foosball or whatever the fuck they do, just move back to the dorm, but if they want to live in an adult apartment building, they should behave like adults. But, I guess they were so stoned they somehow we agreed on the 10pm thing, since they genuinely seemed shocked that I denied it?)

So, anyhow, I told them I was calling the landlord since we had never made an agreement and it was noisy and I was going to bed, and said good night to them, and since I was pissed about being called an asshole, I called her up right then, which maybe I shouldn't have. When I first talked with her, she thought I hadn't talked with them, and suggested calling the police or going myself to talk with them, but then when I explained that I had and that they had said that we had negotiated a 10pm thing, which was completely false, she said she'd call today.

What a mess, I feel in this whole thing that these kids aren't adults, I should be talking with their parents. Tonight I'm checking my lease about a noise policy and then tomorrow I'll call the landlord to find out what the deal is. These kids are nuts, they don't give a fuck and just do whatever they want. Stoners are like that, they're always like, "Hey man, it's okay," since it's okay for them. I think overall that stoners are the most obliviously selfish group of people that I know.

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