Thursday, July 17, 2008

A Coffee Can for You (14 of 63): Sleepy Hollow Gourmet Coffees.

This can raises so many questions for me:

I found it when they stocked it one time at the dollar store in my building like right after I moved in, and I've never seen it again ever, whether there or anywhere else.

First, although it's cheap, it's so cheap that its label is matte and not shiny.

Second, it has the plural "coffees" on the front.

Third, Sleepy Hollow?

In any case, I had to choke this shit down for like a month - it was bad even when it was cut with other, better coffee - and yet, I remember it more fondly that the Sant'Eustachio bullshit I got recently.


Anonymous said...

plantation blend????

el blogador said...

I never noticed that. To think I've had this can forever, and I still find details to appreciate!