Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Fruit / Moose.

A friend was telling me that this girl she has a sublet with didn't tell her that she's massively allergic to fruit, so one day when she was peeling an orange in the living room, the girl stormed in and was like, "What are you doing!?!?!" When she was like, "Peeling an orange, I like them," the girl was like, "I guess that's fine, I'll just be queasy all day." I guess once, too, this girl was once standing near a crate of apples and woke up four hours later in the emergency room.

I was thinking of moose yesterday, too. If you hit them with your car, they fuck your car up more than deer, since you clip their long legs and their entire body falls right on your hood and windshield and smashes the shit out of it.

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