Thursday, November 15, 2007

Had a productive morning.

I had a productive morning this morning. My sinus seemed all dried out, and when I went to use the neti pot, the hot water went through easily, also making it seem like my sinus had dried out, but when I went to go blow my nose in the sink, absolute stringy gobs of green snot flew out onto the porcelain, along with little flecks of blood from my blowing my nose so forcefully, in one gust. After that, I did some Coptic and read a little Greek and Latin. I love a productive morning...

This morning was almost as pleasant as a few days ago when the bottom of my right ear lobe was vaguely aching, so I pinched around in it and just when it seemed I was pinching nothing and I'd leave my earlobe swelled up, a jet of fatty white boil stuff popped out from deep in to halfway across my fingernail, and then a dot of blood arose behind it and sat on my earlobe.

None of this, however, compares to the most satisfying boil I've ever popped.

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