Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Etc. etc. about the restaurant…

…at the one (Thai) restaurant where I work now:

1) My one (college-age) (Chinese-American) coworker saw me reading something about trans* politics on my phone and we start talking a little about that, and he is very un-self-consciously like, yeah, I’m not really sure that people who’ve gone through male puberty should be competing in women’s sports, and it doesn’t seem like he’s afraid of being “called out” for that at all, or even aware that such a thing could happen to him for holding that opinion and saying it out loud.

2) It’s very interesting how many (Indian) customers want to keep a menu at the table for the duration of the meal, even though they never touch it again, and how many (Chinese) customers want everything to come out at once, and never take home any leftovers.

3) For a button advertising a local vegetarian cooking competition, I tape onto the back of my advertising button this small felt mushroom like a Super Mario Brothers mushroom that has a string coming out of the top and that someone had left at the restaurant and that was in our Lost-and-Found box for like forever, so that when I wear it, the mushroom hangs down on the string from the button as part of additional “fun and wacky advertising” for the local event, and once when it’s colder out, I take a light jacket into work, and when I’m leaving, I put it on and zip it up, and then my (Thai) coworkers point out how the mushroom makes a small sharp mound underneath my jacket, and they say that it looks like my nipple is hard, and so after that I start this thing where when I’m working I stop, jut my chest out, and shake the little mushroom back and forth, like it’s a stripper’s tassel and I’m just there performing in a show, making my little tassel fly back and forth.

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