Friday, February 9, 2024

Three recent interactions at work... the one (Thai) restaurant where I work now:

1) My one (Pentecostal) (Guatemalan) coworker is wearing an AERO NYC t-shirt, and I point to it and ask, "Porque no se dice AERO [name of small Midwestern town that we live in]?", and he just purses his lips and gives a quick shake to his head and seems on the verge of slightly laughing but doesn't, and then he goes back to what he was doing and simply walks away.

2) My one (Asian-American) coworker says that a lot of his friends have graduated from college but have just been living at home for two years applying for jobs -- he's like 24 and is originally from New Jersey, and is slightly behind cohort-wise since he took some time off of school and dropped down to community college and went there part-time -- and he says that he thinks he can never really live in a city, but will have to live in a town like where we live now, since if he gets to the $50K salary that he hopes to get through his degree, his margin of saving would be too small to live in a city, and he could never save up enough to afford to buy a home there or even anywhere near one. 

He also said his friends can't really afford to live in a big city either, unless they get a good job in one before deciding to move there, and all otherwise just stick around wherever they went to college, or move home, which most do, since most are kind of marginally employed right now, and have been for several years after graduation.

3) When "Vogue" is playing over Spotify, I pull up the lyrics on my smartphone and show it to my one (older) (Thai) coworker who's a whiz at the phones, since she likes classic Hollywood.

"Monroe like Marilyn Monroe?", she asks me.

Then, as she reads along, she nods her head and is like, "Jimmy Dean."

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