Monday, November 13, 2023

A slightly unfortunate coincidence...

...last month at the one (Thai) restaurant where I work now, after I bought a chocolate babka at the farmer's market and brought it in for everyone to share:

The day that I brought it in happened to be the first day of like a 9-day (Thai) feast where you go vegan, and so the one (older) (Thai) cook turned it down, and my one (chubby) (Thai) coworker said she'd turn it down because it might have eggs in it, except she had eggs that morning and so she'd try some anyways.

. . .

(In explaining the feast to me, my one [chubby] [Thai] coworker brought up a Wikipedia entry and showed me about the festival, only the information wasn't available in [English], so she had to bring it up in [Thai] and hit the translate button.)

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