Wednesday, October 18, 2023

A yoga happening before I got COVID:

As I’m in my final downward dog pose finishing out my like thirty or forty minutes of yoga at home, I suddenly and without being able to help it give out a very moist fart and it’s almost like little bits of shit fly out from the very edge of my asshole, but it also feels like they catch in my early asscheeks and stay there, and so I’m like whatever and I finish my pose and my session before getting up and going to the bathroom and rectifying that whole situation.

Like the next time I pull out the sheet that I lay on the floor to do yoga on, though, I see on there a small dried stain with like little dark brownish red strips of cherries on top of it that I’d been eating pretty much every day right around then and had undoubtedly been in my digestive system right around then, when I had had that moist fart back when I had done yoga the previous time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A lo mejor Ud. no debiera hacer la posición del perro, señor.