Monday, July 24, 2023

On the local reputation of (South Asian) customers.

A few weeks ago after some bad tipping from some (South Asian) customers, I went into the local nearby brewery and I was shaking my head at that and unloading about it to the (bro-ish) (white) (works-for-local-government-somehow) (part-time) bartender.

"But I guess I shouldn't say that," I was like, ending, "because it sounds kind of discriminatory."

"But dude, no, seriously," he was like, "I see it so much, sometimes they come in here and drink at the bar and they don't leave a dollar or anything, it's like zero per beer."

Later, he was also telling me how he's a bit sick of his deskjob -- something he's mentioned before -- and so he's thinking of getting like this circuit-riding bureaucratic auditing job, where you go around the state and swoop in and help county clerks or whatever set up and check in on their local government systems in relation to whatever the f*ck he does, and you'd be traveling around some and living out of hotel rooms in various semi-rural areas.

"That could be a pretty good deal," I was like. "It gets you out of the office, and you could have a woman in every town."

"Yeah dude, totally," he was like. "Like an NBA star."

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