Monday, June 19, 2023

Troubling comment of a (mid-50s) (white) guy who works at the local business school...

 ...and who I got to chatting with, after he was in dining on the patio of the one (Thai) restaurant where I work now, and he and this (similarly-aged) (white) woman he was in there with (his wife?) said they didn't recognize me and so they asked me how long I'd been working there:

He just shook his head, and he said in so many words that he's very, very pessimistic about the job prospects of the people graduating now.

(And that's a pretty good school, and in business!)

. . .

I also said that I was no longer actively pursuing a job through strenuous exertion like costly education or "paying my dues" in time-consuming and poorly-compensated low-level jobs that might not turn into anything, since I was already highly-qualified for any numbers of jobs in quite a few sectors, but instead was keeping my eyes open and was ready to leap if anything fell my way, and they both approved of that approach.

"Keep doing what you're doing!", the lady was like, approvingly.

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