Friday, February 3, 2023

An explanation for noise.

The other week before work I was woken up on the day when the garbage trucks usually come by by loud noise, only it was later than usual and lasted longer, and when I was opening up my blinds that look out around front to the front street, I could see some big trucks like city work crews or something and they had lines out or something, but then when I got back from work, they were gone, so I never really knew what they were there for, though I just kind of assumed it was something with the sewer or electrical.

Then, like a week later, I'm walking around front to get my mail, and I notice that even though it's a sunny afternoon and all the leaves are off the trees, it's a lot sunnier than usual, and all of a sudden I realize that this simply gigantic tree that was across the street in front of the (wizened) (old) hippie's house is just gone, and there's a stump there.

And, I realize that that's what it must have been, the trucks were there to take that out, and I feel kind of regretful all of a sudden that I missed it, since it must have been a big job and quite something to see.

When I walk over to the stump, too, to see how big it is and to stand on top of it, there's all these small woodchips just scattered onto the brick street and over the curb-bed, too, where there's just this expanse of dirt and dusted snow and an occasional dead vinca, and now a stump.

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