Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Turkey (1 of 3): Scraps.

So, a few weeks ago I made up the one turkey that the resthome got all the workers for Thanksgiving, as a thank-you for a(n unexpected) second year in a row, after they did that the first year as a one-off thing during the peak of the early Covid crisis... I had gotten that this fall before I moved, but since I had actually been working there on Thanksgiving I never made it up, and so I made sure to keep it hard frozen and then quickly schlep it all down to the new college town that I now live in on the day that I was moving, and I thought that I should make it up and use the residual oven heat to warm my apartment on a cold night, before the weather got warm and all that heat would go to waste. So, I did that, except I had to combine a day of thawing in the fridge with 5 30-minute cold water turkey baths, to get it thawed enough to bake it on the cold night that I wanted to. I also am saving the carcass to make broth, including the skin, and also this little piece of ligament that somehow showed up in the meat that I was eating the other day, and that I pulled out of my mouth and set on the edge of my bowl. The way I figure it, a ligament is collagen or something, and will flavor the broth as much as any other part of the carcass. "Waste not want not."

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