Saturday, October 23, 2021

A memory of this past summer...

...from a list that I was keeping about a day that I had to go get my blood drawn:

- "w[eir]d bl[ac]k guy end of train" (a big, stocky, mean-looking guy who came on to one end of the car from the doors between cars that you're not supposed to go through, so people migrated down the car to get away from him, just as the train was pulling into the station where I get off for work? - or, that may have been another time; they all blur together).

- "couple in waiting room" (the lady of whom pulled down her mask to talk loudly on her phone, forever)

- something that I can't read, but I remember was 2 (older) (white) people who were going to a baseball game, and the guy wasn't wearing a mask and it was totally obvious it was an attitude thing.

- this (taller) (bigger) (black) lady who was well-dressed in ethnic clothes and who might have been from (West Africa) who was out-of-it and listening to music, and who made some inappropriate burbles, and who got off at a station a few stops before my work, and who as we pulled a way I could see her clapping her hands over her head and spinning around in some kind of dance.

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