Saturday, January 16, 2021

Radio attention.

Like a month or two ago on a Sunday evening I went online and checked out what time this one classical music radio program I like is on since I hadn't heard it in a while, and I noticed on the schedule that the program before that was going to be playing Bruckner's 4th Symphony, which is totally like one of my favorite pieces of music, ever.

So, I cleared time out of my schedule and when it came on, I just laid on my couch in my darkened living room and I just listened to it for the entire time, which is like just over an hour.

It was very wonderful, and it made me wonder why I don't do stuff like that more often, and instead default to having the radio on in the background as background music.

I'd love to read a biography of Anton Bruckner, and if I ever visit Austria, I'd go to see where he was born or played organ or was buried or wherever.

If I ever get to play double bass again, too, I'd totally get my hands on a score and try to play along to the bass part alongside a symphonic recording...  I've often thought that that would be a fun thing to do, to learn some bass parts and some music from the inside out, in a very easy way. I'm so lucky that the instrument that I know best usually has super easy parts!

Ah, life goals.

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