Tuesday, April 21, 2020

More coronavirus banter.

During all of this coronavirus-required social distancing, my one line in Spanish with my couple of (female) (Mexican) coworkers at the resthome is, "Soy un hombre tipico, necesito distancia," said with a very anguished but macho persona, almost as if I'm looking agonized and running my hands through my hair ('I'm a typical man, I need distance').

When I told her that, my one (Mexican) coworker who works in the kitchen threw her hands in the air, waved them around, and did a U-turn in the other direction, as she smiled facetiously and was like, "Okay, no problema!".

When I told this to my other (Mexican) coworker, she got a chuckle out of it, and then she was like, "But you're not typical."

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