Saturday, April 11, 2020

Coronavirus hostility.

The other week, I was going in to work on the subway, and it was like the day of the crazies, one of whom was this (fat) (late middle-aged) (black) woman in a surgical mask and with a bag who sat down up the car and then tried talking to some stranger across from her on the car, but when they couldn't understand her, she pulled down her mask and leaned in and began talking to him, something about the precautions that everyone's been taking.

And, a few stops later, this (very large) (late middle-aged) (black) man in a surgical mask huffs in, and he turns and sits down directly opposite from me, probably because it was the closest seat near to him and he was fat, rather than maintain social distancing and sit in a row of empty seats further down the car.

So, after a few seconds where I evaluated the situation, I picked up my backpack and went down the car to the empty places, and the guy noticed.

But then, the (fat) lady leaned in and pulled down her facemask and began talking to him, and he leaned in towards her in turn and pulled down his facemask and began talking to her in turn, too, so they were like four feet from each other facing a stranger and just talking, with both their masks pulled down.

And I think they were talking about coronavirus precautions.

Anyhow, I read my book and didn't pay any more attention for a number of stops, and then I noticed that the (fat) guy is standing near the door to get off the car as we're gliding into a station, and he says something about how certain people are just more likely to get it, and the way he's talking, it's so he can make me hear, and he's pointing out my attitude.

I assume that my moving put him on the spot, and he had to act out towards me because he had to resent me rather than question himself?

All in all, it was very weird.

It was totally the day of the crazies.

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