Wednesday, January 22, 2020

What is the subway system in my city coming to?

People's behavior is really getting out of hand.

The other afternoon, I get on the car to go to work, and a(n older) (black) guy just inside the door had just lit up a cigarette and was blithely smoking it, at like one in the afternoon on a weekday.

First off, who even smokes anymore, and second off, who would do that at that time of day so easily, when so many people are around and the cars are relatively packed?

I quickly hopped back off and got to the other car before the doors closed, and like a few minutes later the conductor announced that there is no smoking on the subway cars, so someone must have complained, but still.

Like a month or two ago, someone told me that because of budget cuts, they don't have staffers anymore who walk the cars and stop shit like that from happening.

It just really surprises me that stuff like this is happening.  Although the city is pretty wealthy, and is probably wealthier than ever, it almost has the lawless feel of New York in the 70's about it, like you see about in movies and read about in books.

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