Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Talking with a (Bulgarian) about Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden.

The other week at the resthome, I was talking with a(n older) (female) (Bulgarian) private aide about national politics, which it turns out that she follows pretty closely.

We were talking the Bernie Sanders campaign, since she voted for him last time and is supporting him again this time around.

When I started talking about Bernie and then Joe Biden a lot, then, I noticed that she was wagging her head side-to-side, only it was weird, since it wasn't that she was disagreeing with what I was saying, and actually she was agreeing with it.

Then, I remembered that Bulgaria is like the one big country where the waving-your-head-side-to-side gesture that commonly means "no" in most places, actually means "yes," and it all made sense.

It was very weird to see when I was talking, though, since the course of our conversation and her facial expression showed agreement, but I was processing her headshaking at first as "no" and the two different signals that I was perceiving was very weird to see all at once.

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