Monday, July 8, 2019

Belly fat and fermented carrots.

For some reason I'm getting a little ring of belly fat around my middle, even more than normal, though I'm not quite sure why.

It's not my eating or exercise levels, so maybe it's age?

Those fermented carrots with dill and mustard seeds that I made up the other week are quite good and make for wonderful snacks, so I'm thinking I'll just keep a jar fermenting on the counter from now on.

Snacking on that is healthy and saves calories, and will be a good change in the short-term to get some of that belly fat to go away.

I put slits in a lot of the carrots so the bacteria get in easier and they ferment more, but I forgot to do that on some, and to me those taste even better.  So, from now on I'll just ferment unslitted carrots.

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