Friday, August 10, 2018

Another story of the resthome: A smell in a room.

The other week, I was in one resident's room, and the place smelled just awful with a bit of a carpet-cleaning smell layered on top of it, but I couldn't figure out what it was.

Later, I found out that wet wipes had been flushed down the toilet, and the resident had flushed the toilet late at night by themself and it had gotten clogged with the water running, so shit water had kept overflowing onto the floor and everything was soaked with shit water by the time they ended up finding it.

"So now when I leave I have to hide the wet wipes," the one personal aide was like.

Too, a (Tibetan) coworker said that that smell was so strong the morning after it happened, that her throat began to hack like she was throwing up, and she had to run downstairs a couple of floors to a toilet, where she actually did throw up.

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