Friday, July 13, 2018

Three sights on a recent subway ride:

1) A(n Asian) grandmother with a baby carriage and a(n adorable) grandbaby, who wouldn't sit in an open seat near where a (black) person was sitting, though she sat down after a few people got up and left a big space to sit in, which made it unclear if she didn't want to sit in a tight space or next to a (black) person.

2) A (young) (black) guy who seems well-kempt and has a big roll of (white) plastic bags in his hands, who comes onto the train and walks up and down throughout the car peeling a few bags off and laying them on empty seats, and then he goes back and retraces his steps and picks a few up and then drops the roll and walks to the end of the car and goes onto the next train, only to return like 10 minutes later and find the roll and pick it up and pick up some but not all of the bags as well, tearing off a few new ones, too, and throwing one onto the floor and kicking it somewhere else.

Eventually, he goes onto the next car, roll in hand.

3) A (white) man in a (red) t-shirt, standing on a roof and smoking and looking around at taller buildings than him, though it's totally not a porch and totally just a roof, with no obvious means of entrace or exit, you can see as the train runs elevated a few buildings from the building where he's standing.

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