Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Funny interaction with my former governor.

My former governor is not only a TV talking head, but also served as a fly-in teacher for one term at a political institute at my school.

I participated in all her seminars, and even popped into her office hours to ask questions.

Once during the seminar and once again during office hours, she just stopped talking and remarked to herself, "You're so funny!".

She also loved how we unionized the library workers, and how people were picking up and repeating my higher ed messaging without knowing it.

It was quite interesting, too, to hear her acknowledge that she's so driven to get stuff done, that she can run roughshod over people at meetings and has to have staff point out that she's doing that so she can mend bridges with people.

It was good for me to see that other people do that, and have learned to improve on that front.  She says that she focuses on mission and goals so much in interactions, that she can forget to make people feel included.

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