Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Quiet student lounge occurrence:

The other day on campus around lunchtime I went to the extraordinarily quiet student lounge people use in this one campus building basement, and like always there was a handful of very quiet people in there with me, eating lunch and doing work.

Then, like after twenty minutes, I hear a loud smacking sound, and it keeps going and going and going.

It was coming from behind a column, and it was time for me to go get to class anyways, so I packed up my stuff and left, and as I was leaving, I made sure to look where my vision was obstructed by the column to see what was going on with someone smacking so noisily.

And, it was a (college age) (Asian) (male) student, doing something on his laptop with earphones plugged in, and he was chewing gum with his mouth wide open, just smacking and smacking and smacking, completely oblivious to the inappropriate food sounds he was making so loudly.

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