Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Post-St. Patrick's Day parade (2 of 2): That one cozy bar downtown.

After the movie, I headed over to the one cozy bar that I like going to, to go and get a nightcap.

First thing I notice, there were no stools at the bar, all up and down the bar.

"What's up with that?", I asked the one bartender that I know.

"You make people stand," he was like.  "It's easier to see if they're drunk, as opposed to if they were sitting for two hours and then get up and are like - " - and at that he stood in place and motioned swaying radically as if you were drunk.

"Oh," I was like.

Next thing I notice, all the lamps are green.

"What's up with that?", I asked the one bartender I know.

"We change out the lightbulbs every year," he was like.

Last thing I notice, I look up at the chalkboard to see what $6.50 craft drafts they have and which one I'm going to get, only there aren't any, and the more I look, the more I notice the presence of $8.50 and even $9.50 beers, which are very rare if non-existent there.

"Did you guys jack up the price of every beer like a dollar?", I was like.

"Yeah," he was like.

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